
2017 finat2
2017 Finat

At the last edition of the FINAT 2017 Awards, held in Berlin in June at the European Label Forum, the…

2015 Finat

  In the 2015 edition of the FINAT awards, held in Amsterdam in June, the jury recognized the quality of…

2013 TLMI

International First Place: Digital Printing – Health  & Beauty Products About the competition: The TLMI Annual Awards Competition aims to…

dry tattoos
2013 Finat

In the last edition of the FINAT awards 2013, held in Munich in June, the jury recognized our quality through…

2012 Finat

Germark has been awarded with a 1st PLACE in the Category: Marketing End Users – Self Promotional Labels, with our letincular…

2011 TLMI

In the last edition of the TLMI Awards, we have been recognized one more time with a First Place award…

FINAT 2011
2011 Finat

In this edition of the Awards Finat, we have been recognized with a special mention ”Highly Commended” with these labels.

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